Genshin Impact Build Guide – Bennett

This build guide covers all of the essential skills for Bennett in Genshin Impact, including how to best play his abilities and talents. It also focuses on Bennett’s burst skill. This skill grants you a significant amount of healing, valuable damage, and the best way to boost ATK with Elemental Burst. While Bennett was largely overlooked in its early days, he is now an immensely popular and competitive character. In this guide, we’ll cover his playstyle and talents, as well as discuss his abilities and how to use them to your advantage in this competitive arena. беннет геншин импакт билд гайд

As a support, Bennett is among the best characters in Genshin Impact. As a 4-star Pyro Sword wielder, he boasts the highest ATK boost in the game, as well as plenty of healing. As a result, Bennett is an excellent support build. This Genshin Impact Build Guide will help you build Bennett to the highest possible level with minimal investment.

Bennett has many great synergies with other characters in the game. For example, he works well with Chongyun, Mona, and Klee. He can double his Pyro comp with these three heroes. In addition, he has a powerful Elemental Skill that allows him to hold a target for a long time and then abuse it for maximum damage. The elemental burst buff also allows Bennett to sustain high damage for a long time, so he can be used as a battery.

If you want to maximize the healing and burst of Bennett, you need to focus on three things: energy recharge, attack, and HP. If you’re focusing on boosting Bennett’s burst, use Noblesse Oblige and Scholar artifacts. You’ll also want to focus on Fantastic Voyage, which will give Bennett a tremendous amount of attack. If you don’t want to spend on this item, swap it out for Maiden Beloved.

As an On-field DPS, Bennett should invest more in damage-dealing skills, since he spends more time in the field. He will need more resources than Support players, so the Elemental Skill doesn’t matter much in this build. In addition, Elemental Burst is important no matter what playstyle you choose, but it doesn’t matter if you play On-field DPS or Support.

You can also build Bennett as a support or a DPS, depending on the type of playstyle you’re interested in. For support purposes, you can equip Skyward Blade, which will increase your Energy Recharge, CRIT Rate, and DMG. Alternatively, you can equip a Favonius Sword and Festering Desire. As a DPS, you should use Crimson Witch or Gladiator’s Finale.

The choice of weapon is one of the most important aspects of a Bennett build. A high-base-ATK sword is crucial in Bennett’s playstyle because it allows you to maximize damage while inside an Elemental Burst. There are a variety of 5-star swords for Bennett in Genshin Impact. You can also use the Alley Flash, which has 620 Base ATK.